10 / 20
All Levels
The SORD Course is taught as a Direct Delivery for first responders over 2 days/ 16Hrs or to Certify Instructors as a Train-The-Trainer (T3) over 5 Days/ 40Hrs. This hands-on course covers the following topics: Solo Officer considerations for off duty or plain clothes ergonomics, levels of intervention, deadly force policies and case studies. Concepts & Principles of Close Quarter Battle (CQB), Arrival and Approach, Breaching Considerations, , Individual Movement Techniques, Threshold Evaluations and Room Entry Techniques, Priorities of Work at Crisis Site, and options for mitigating the occurrence of blue-on-blue shootings. The course begins on day one with live fire drills and culminates with multiple dynamic force-on-force scenarios designed to challenge officers to deal with an active attack event.